ana mendieta: silueta series introduction
another art history article highlighting one of my faves
the silueta series by ana mendieta
la venus negra - ana mendieta [galerie lelong & co.]
in the 1970’s and early 80’s, cuban-american artist ana mendieta created her silueta series. these artworks or performance pieces involved the artist imprinting, carving, sculpting, even burning silhouetted images of her body into (onto?) various landscapes, primarily in iowa and mexico. mendieta documented the series in photographs or film. she would also perform her work in the presence of a small audience, such as students or other artists. all of her siluetas are ephemeral, only living now in photographs or in the memories of the ones who were present in the making. “i feel best when the creative process is physical… when the whole body is part of a piece i feel one.” - ana mendieta one: here is a silueta dug into the mexican shoreline, her arms are raised towards the sky, towards another end of the earth. in the next few days the salt sea will wash away the imprint. each time the ocean passes the work changes, she floods, the outline grows smoother, the seafoam swirls over her body. two: here the body is present. we’re in yagul, mexico where tradition reigns. in a zapotec tomb, mendieta’s body lays bare and white baby’s breath flowers cover her, blending her body into the landscape. three: i’m dousing my body in gunpowder and setting her on fire. you can either run or watch the flames touch the sky. |ana mendieta was a cuban-born exile. under operation peter pan, [a united states clandestine operation to migrate around 14,000 children in order to flee castro’s government] mendieta and her sister were transported to iowa in nineteen sixty-one, where she lived in various foster homes until she was finally reunited with her mother in nineteen sixty-six and her father in seventy-nine.| |mendieta attend the university of iowa where she earned her ba and ma in painting and mfa in intermedia. her work has always involved spiritualism, feminism, body art, land art, and art that highlights violence women face. in her silueta series, her body belongs back to earth, back to an ancient source.| manifesto of land art: we [the artists] are tired of the white-walled gallery, the commercialization of art, the cold minimalists. let's go back to the source of human creativity. let's go back to mud brick, to caves. “i have been carrying out a dialogue between the landscape and the female body (based on my own silhouette). i believe this has been a direct result of my having been torn from my homeland (Cuba) during my adolescence. i am overwhelmed by the feeling of having been cast from the womb (nature). my art is the way i re-establish the bonds that unite me to the universe. it is a return to the maternal source.” - ana mendieta
silhueta works in mexico
galerie lelong & co
richard saltoun